Pre-Press Info

Follow these guidelines to help save time when preparing your ad material for Crossings.

Accepted File Formats:

  • Quark Xpress
  • InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Acrobat PDF
  • Please contact us if you would like to use any applications not listed above.

Colour Usage:

  • Convert all spot colors to process if printing 4c process.
  • Be sure to specify if your job is using spot colors, and list those colors.
  • Watch for mismatched Pantone inks - ie: Pantone 185 CV and Pantone 185 CVC will not always appear on the same plate.
  • Rich black should not exceed 100k/30c/30m/30y.

Font Usage:

  • Remember to supply both printer AND screen fonts.
  • Type 1 (Postscript) fonts are recommended.
  • Multiple Master fonts may cause problems and are not recommended.
  • Do not supply us fonts that are not used for your job, extra fonts may cause conflicts.
  • Do NOT use the Stylize menu in your layout program to make a font bold or italic, instead, use the bold or italic version of the font.

Acrobat (PDF) Files:

  • Adobe Acrobat files are acceptable, but there are a few considerations to make:
  • Do not downsample images.
  • All images and colors must be converted to CMYK for proper output.
  • Subset all fonts.
  • If the layout requires bleed, increase the page size, and extend the bleed to at least .125” past the trim.
  • Do not send files with extra crop marks, etc. • Offset registration marks by 12pt.

Image Considerations:

  • Preferred image formats: TIFF, EPS.
  • All images must be provided in CMYK, not RGB or JPEG colour mode.
  • Specify if duotones are used.
  • Do not use LZW compression on TIFF files.
  • DCS files are not recommended.
  • Resolution required: 350dpi for a 175lpi print *recommended